

Hello Everyone!

I’m Alex, the owner and Advanced Licensed Aesthetician of Bare Truth Skincare.

I’m from South Orange, New Jersey a town 30 minutes from New York City. However, for my love of travel and new adventures, I have spent the last 10 years residing in various states like Florida, Georgia, Texas and currently Nevada.

Being born with Atopic Dermatitis/ Eczema has led me to have knowledge in skincare at an early start. It comes with struggles, so taking care of my skin is my top priority.

While living in Florida, I had a severe Eczema flareup that resulted in extreme medications and lots of cortisone shots. That treatment was only putting a band-aid on the situation. I needed a different call to action because I wasn't healing. I started to look into some alternative ways to help my skin, which snowballed me into looking up aesthetics and the skin care profession.

During my research I was interested in changing my treatment plan and venturing down the holistic path with herbs and reiki acupuncture. That's what my body needed; a change of lifestyle helped me see a significant improvement as well.

A few years later I bid farewell to Florida and moved to Georgia. Skincare was always in the back of my mind, so I researched many schools that offered an aesthetics program. I found The Elaine Sterling Institute in Sandy Springs, GA and scheduled a tour.

I enrolled in The Elaine Sterling Institute's summer aesthetics program, and that's truly where it all began. Furthered my education and received certifications in Oncology Skincare, Reiki & Crystal Therapy, Herbalism, Multireflexology,Advance Cosmeceutical Ingredients, Auriculotherapy, and the Zen facelift® technique.

Medical Aesthetics- IPL, Laser Hair Removal, and Cool Sculpting at the Texas Laser & Aesthetics Training Academy in Austin,Texas.

I understand the struggles you can have with problematic skin and the self-consciousness of it all. I also know that we have the ability to heal our skin with the right treatment.

With technology on the rise, the skincare industry is ever-changing. This drives me to always seek knowledge and continuing education to make sure I am current with the best treatment plans, products, and modalities available.